Guaranteed Dropshipping Sales - How It Works

Choose your desired sales level, upload the exclusive listings we provide and start earning a guaranteed income. We'll take care of the research, pricing, keywords, order fulfillment, returns and more so you can focus on growing your business.

Listing Items

After you purchase a guaranteed sales package we will send you a list of items to import to your chosen sales channel. We will provide additional listings as needed until your monthly sales have reached approximately 50% higher than the minimum guaranteed amount.

Maximizing Sales

We research each item and include all necessary listing data such as title, price, condition, part number, images and other item attributes. We focus on product types with low competition and listings are optimized to generate sales. 

You may also offer customers 30 day returns, a warranty on each item purchased and a 1 day handling time to further increase exposure and sales. All items shipped from the USA.

We focus on niche items that are difficult to research, have low competition and offer decent profit margins. At the moment our focus is on appliance parts both new and used.

Order Fulfillment

You will be given access to our order fulfillment website and special pricing to place wholesale orders for your customers. Alternately, you can email or text order information to us and we will place the order for you. You will receive a receipt and tracking information for each item purchased.


We offer a 90 day, no questions asked guarantee on every package we sell.

In addition to guaranteeing a minimum amount in sales with each package we also offer guaranteed returns, guaranteed pricing and guaranteed order fulfillment.

Click here for complete details of our guarantees.